From the source to the final Tincture

For most of the Homoeopathic medicines, the starting point is Mother Tincture, therefore its quality and accuracy is assured as we follow the stringent quality control with implacable Standard Operating Procedure (SOP).

About Herbs

Detailed Study of the Herb:-

Since our most renowned HPI also does not have the details of the chemical composition of a particular herb, but which is highly necessary to:-

  • Proper knowledge of the minimum active ingredient in the herb.
  • Rule out the contamination

Use of Best Raw Materials:-

(a) Pure Herbs.

(b) Purest Extra Neutral Alcohol (ENA).

(c) Demineralised water.

Manufacturing Process:-


It is done by using stainless steel containers to extract the medicament from the herb.

Though this is time and space consuming still is resorted to maintaining desired quality.


It is done through the most modern hydraulic stainless steel press equipped with pressure control devices for optimal extraction.

UV Spectrophotometer Analysis:-

This confirmatory test to identity and distinguish the herb by testing its extracts is stringently used.

Since each herb emanates a distinct colour under their UV light /radiation which is measured in Lambda values, therefore the scientists & qualified laboratory staff can easily distinguish and identify the herb.


To ensure the purity of the herb. We conduct TLC (Thin Layer Chromatography), further HPTLC (High-Performance Thin Layer Chromatography) is done by an internationally reputed nodal agency.


To comply with the HPI norms, fixed percentage of alcohol is used to extract the medicament from the herb, which is assessed by using Infrared Moisture Analyzer, thus we strictly adhere to the HPI specifications.


Last, but not the least, the menstruum procure menstruum hydraulic press is further subjected to millipore machine filtration with or without vacuum, depending upon the nature of the herb, to ensure the removal of undesired residue.

Demineralised Water:-

Wheezal ensures pure demineralised water with exception from any kind of contamination like metals, minerals or other impurities. Thus, Wheezal manufactures its own demineralised water to assure the use of best water. Water is also tested for pathogens and bacterial count.

Why Wheezal’s Mother Tincture?

From the starting to the ending Wheezal ensures SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) to be followed. This ranges right from the physical examination of the herb by qualified Botanist & Microbiologist, further chemical testing by UV Spectrophotometer, TLC, HPTLC & moisture analysis by infrared moisture analyzer.

Maceration is done by using stainless steel containers to extract the medicament from the herb. Extraction is done through stainless steel hydraulic presses with pressure control mechanism. Finally filtration is done with or without vacuum, depending upon the nature of the herb Wheezal offers more than 500 Mother Tinctures.



Herbs are prone to sedimentation very fast. To minimize this problem, we subject the sedimentation prone Mother Tinctures to different ageing time. This seemingly simple process warrants huge space, equipments & therefore investment, which is done to ensure requisite quality.

Purest ENA:-

The World class ENA produced by the best distilleries in the country is used and further tested for purity by GLC (Gas Liquid Chromatography) to ensure that it is completely free from any of the volatile impurities like ketones and aldehydes.

  • The herbs are accurately graded and macerated for at least three-four weeks in stainless steel containers using Extra Neutral Alcohol (ENA) and freshly prepared demineralised water.
  • Strong Alcohol’ is recommended by HPI in its guidelines. However if we compare strong alcohol with ENA, it becomes evident that the limits of pure ENA are much more stringent. HPI allows a small amount of alkalinity in the strong alcohol, while in pure ENA, the alkalinity has to be nil. Also the ENA has to be free from methanol and higher alcohol. The impurities like methyl alcohol, lead, copper, isopropyl alcohol, esters and furfural are strictly quantified in case of ENA, while these are not controlled by the HPI specifications for strong alcohol.